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Talisa Ernstmann is the Founder and President of Ernstmann Consulting, LLC. She has more than 20 years of experience working inside and outside of Fortune 100 organizations. Talisa has worked extensively in the private sector and also works for government and non-profit organizations. Talisa's primary specialties are facilitation and coaching. She is known for facilitating management teams to create strategies that achieve results. She works collaboratively with her clients to create plans and programs that energize the workforce to achieve specified outcomes. She has helped organizations design and develop extensive leadership and mentoring programs. She has also worked with senior teams to strengthen teamwork, create strategic plans, and develop performance management programs. High energy and a focus on results characterize her work with groups. Her expertise in assessing team needs, combined with her experience and training in organizational development enable her to consistently deliver results for her diverse customers.

Talisa is also an executive coach and life coach trained in the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) methodology. CTI was the first school to receive accreditation through the International Coaching Federation and is currently the largest coaching training school in the world. It has the most rigorous standards of any coaching school and its results are fully supported by current scientific research. Talisa has coached executives, mid-level leaders, and professionals for more than 15 years.

Key Skills Areas

  • Organization Development

  • Strategic Visioning

  • Coaching

  • Leadership Development

  • Team Building

  • Process Facilitation

Consulting, Coaching, and Facilitation Engagements

  • Design and conduct strategic visioning meetings for senior management teams

  • Design, develop and facilitate implementation of leadership development, mentoring, professional development, and other human resource programs

  • Design and conduct train-the-trainer sessions on mentoring, facilitation, team building and new leader assimilation

  • Plan and conduct problem solving and goal setting sessions for large and small project teams

  • Coach and develop team leaders and team members using multi-rater feedback tools

  • Coach executives and leaders at all levels

  • Coach and facilitate executive teams to work rogether effectively and implement goals and plans that achieve results

Education and Certifications

  • MA: University of Maryland, College Park, MD

  • BS: University of Maryland, College Park, MD

  • Graduate, Coaches Training Institute

  • Certifications: MBTI; Competent Toastmasters; Strategic Visioning and Graphic Facilitation (Grove Consultants); IPDI Profiler (360-degree Feedback); Managing Diverse Workteams (TRW); Leading Organizational Transition (William Bridges); Leadership Circle 360-degree Assessment; Leadership Circle Organizational Culture Audit